It turns out that Augusts tend to be pretty eventful months in my life. As my phone (and every social media network in existence) has helpfully reminded me in the last couple of weeks:
- It's been 10 years since I started my South American adventures! (Hello Pacquitos!) Which I suppose means it's also 10 years of an extremely fitful blogging adventure?
- It's been 9 years since I moved to the UK for a couple of years of working to support a travel habit.
- 8 years ago, I finally made it to the Edinburgh Military Tattoo, after discovering that the ABC had been misleading me for years about it being a NYE thing.
- It's been 3 years since Claudia and I were married! This may be a large part of the reason why that "living in the UK for a couple of years" thing has been extended just a bit.
If you had told the person who arrived in the UK that he would still be there 9 years later via multiple European adventures and a wedding involving a TARDIS, I'm not sure he would have believed you (but he would definitely be excited by the possibilities).
Of course, the downside to all of this is that my phone gives me a month of absolutely awesome "Your memories" notifications in August, and then the rest of the year is just pictures of walls with pencil markings on them, or weird out-of-context shopping lists...