It seems somewhat appropriate that a geek about to head off on an around-the-world trip should start their travel blog with a "Hello world!" post. (Although, seeing as WordPress comes pre-installed with a "Hello world!" post already written, it may also be a testament to my inability to think of creative blog titles...)
It's 3 days out from the start of the trip, so I am (of course) completely ill-prepared. I've made a start on packing up my room and moving out, but there are a few niggling things left on my to-do list that still need to be crossed off:
- Pack backpack
- Organise currency
- Figure out accommodation and travel details for Washington
- Buy a towel
- Learn Spanish
Some would argue that I've left the last one a bit late, and if they were to argue the point in Spanish I'd probably be forced to concede the point. However, armed with a dodgy 'Learn Spanish in x steps' (Where x is a very small number approaching one, hopefully...), a 16 hour flight where I have no hope of sleeping, and an innate ability to cram, I am pretty confident of being able to walk into a bar, order a beer and escape with only minor injuries.
As for the towel, it's fairly obvious why I'll need that...
In any case, I should really get on with the packing. I suspect that the majority of new posts will be inspired by pure boredom in airport lounges, but we'll see how we go.
Yours etc,